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So glad you asked… ‘Cosmic Circles’ is the new format for my existing newsletter, which you may have been receiving in your email for a very long time. Now, instead of a hodgepodge of different emails, some with audio files, some with news and updates, some with the monthly story and information sharing, it will all be in one lovely place!

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However, if you feel the urge to support my content through a paid subscription, I Thank You. Every creator needs a good Medici. And you just stepped into that honorable realm.

Blessings Your Way! Linda.

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Subscribe to Cosmic Circles - A field-guide for personal transformation

Content for exploring and embodying the mystical into every day life.


Awakening Alchemist * Clairvoyant-Medium - Reader & Coach * Energy Healing Facilitator * Author/ Artist * Eco-Art & Nature Therapy Guide * Herbalist * Spiritual Activist *LMT / Offering guidance over 40 years to a global, awakening population.